Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Birthday Bash/ Reunion Reflection

I celebrated my birthday (May 28) quietly... well, at first. :-P
I spent the day writing and reading, and had a quiet (well, it wasn't that quiet hehe) 'exclusive' dinner with my family in our family room.

Earlier, my mom, as usual, got endearingly busy preparing for my 'party'. And Bam and I went to ICM to buy some ice cream.

After the dinner, my friends from high school came over (thanks to Sam's and Nayes' efforts). It's been such a long time since we got together. And it's been 10 years (10 years!!!) since our high school graduation.

So, we got out our yearbook, reminisced, and tried to catch up with each other's lives.

And so, my quiet birthday ended... We were all so rowdy and loud. It was like we were high school kids all over again.

And to think that of the 12** (the 12 who will be known in history as the 'initiators' hehe), half were already married with kids.

Sigh. I felt young and old at same time. ;-)

After our 'reunion meeting'(next meeting will be on june 8), we proceeded to Tachycardia and had a few drinks and loud conversation (something that I don't do nowadays. I'm really an 'oldie'-coffeeshop/homebody type now hehe).

I had such a great time.

At the end of my celebration, when all was quiet, I lay awake on my bed.

I am amazed that its been 10 years since I was a wide-eyed teenager, about to start her adventure in the 'real world'. So much have happened, so much changed. But then, I'm still the same old me. A little scarred, a little jaded. But same old me.

And now, I like myself more.

And then, I felt truly happy.

Happy birthday to me. ;-)

Classmates! I'm looking forward to our grand reunion! Yey

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