Sunday, October 26, 2008

Funny Moments

During our office evaluation, everybody was already tired when it was the Resource Generation Team's turn to present their report.
The first slide of their presentation indicated "1 of 22" slides.
Everybody groaned.
After explaining the data in the 2nd slide,however, my colleague said "So that's it. That's our report"
"What about the other 20 slides?" we asked.
He smiled. "Oh. It's the same slide duplicated over and over."


In my law class, the professor asked, "Is there anyone from Ilo-ilo here?"
Nobody answered.
The professor repeated the question.
Then, a classmate raised her hand.
Delighted, the professor said, "Oh, so you're from Ilo-ilo?"
My classmate answered, "No sir. I just want to go to the bathroom"


In another law class, the professor was grilling me because I could not remember the provision he asked for.
He asked "Miss Tirol. When was the last time you watched TV?"
I answered, "Last week sir"
"Do you remember what you watched?" he continued, trying to make his point clear
"Yes sir"
"What did you watch?"
"The news regarding the suspension of classes sir"
The professor chuckled and said "In all my years of teaching, I never had an answer like that. That is sui generis! I'll always remember your answer."

1 comment:

Wanderer Lady said...

you are "one of a kind/unique" indeed! :)