Saturday, June 09, 2007


Love is the sun shining
And the flowers loving its kisses

Love is a leaf skipping
And the wind making it bright and breezy

Love is the lightning bolt striking
Just to hear the thunder’s voice

Love is the river rushing home
And the sea waiting for it

Love is a moth stubbornly wanting
the flame that will set it ablaze

Love is a raindrop quenching the dry ground
And the lovely sigh the ground emits

Love is the pen giving itself to the paper
And the paper consuming itself in submission

Love is the soap that washes and renews
And the dirt that gently moves away

Love is the nighttime giving in to darkness
So you might rest
And love is trusting enough to sleep through it

Love is the air and the water
Making me breath, making me live

Love is your smile
When you look at me

Love is the way you hold me
And kiss me so lovingly

Love is the way you ask me how my day was
And you assuring me that you’re ok

Love is the mundane, and the important
Love is everything I see, hear, taste, smell, touch

And love is why I appreciate all these things

Because Love is you
You, who gives meaning, color and cheer
Yes, Love is you my dear.

Poem and Photo By Boots Tirol


Kaliwat ni Karyapa said...

Life can be both sweet and sour like the sing-guelas... And as long as the family EATS together (and laughs together), life will always be...sweet! mwah!

Wanderer Lady said...

"Love is the nighttime giving in to darkness
So you might rest
And love is trusting enough to sleep through i" - I like these lines ... as often I forget that day will break to bring the love back into my life. :)